Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dragon Leatherworks Holsters

         Well folks i got two very nice holsters from Dennis at Dragon Leatherworks today and I figured i'd start my review with an initial impressions post.

 To start with which ones are they:

 The holster on the right is the Viper

 The holster on the left is the FlatJack

      Now with both holsters it is clear they were made with quality materials and are very well stitched together. While this is a step in the right direction the Flatjack, in spite of it's unassuming appearance, is without question the most comfortable holster I've ever worn. It fits both my weapon and my rather round form so well that I actually forgot I was carrying on several occasions today.

      The viper on the other hand while a gorgeous piece of leather-work was a little less one sided as to how I perceived it although I do plan to try it with different attire before making a final judgement on it. Using a 2" reinforced duty belt the loop on it's back fit the belt perfectly and my Ruger GP100 fit the holster itself like a glove. That is the good news. The one and only downside I have found with this holster so far is that the loop is small enough that there is quite a bit of moving around by the holster as it is being worn.

       Overall my initial impressions from 1 day of use with these holsters is the flatjack is basically perfection for someone who prefers an OWB conceal carry option and the Viper is a work of art that I need to use more before I decide how I feel about that tiny retention loop.

Monday, November 12, 2012


We now have a Forum located at http://Forums.gunpolitics.info once the domain redirect is activated and until then http://forums.delphiforums.com/GunPoliticsBlog I look forward to seeing some of ya'll there and chatting with ya'll.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Giveaway update

Don Finkbeiner is the winner of the giveaway and the package was shipped to him Via USPS priority mail today. Congratulations Don.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Upcoming shoot, further details to come

I am currently in the procces of organizing a shoot for the ladies, although guys are welcome, for sometime in the next 3 - 7 months with the nice ladies from agirlandhergun.blogspot.com and femaleandarmed.blogspot.com. There will most likely be a full auto demo at this shoot courtesy of Innovative Tactical Solutions As further details are ironed out I will post them here and at the blog's facebook page. If this is something you or someone you know would be interested in participating in please let me know here or at the facebook page.


I am now doing a giveaway which includes the following items: Female and armed in an unsafe world Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry and a gun cleaning kit. In order to enter either submit a comment here at the blog domain under this post or on facebook at Gun Politics Blog Giveaway Post on facebook

Friday, August 10, 2012

Reason or Force: Australian Gun Ban Facts & Statistics

Reason or Force: Australian Gun Ban Facts & Statistics: It has now been over 10 years since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Female and Armed: National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day was a...

Female and Armed: National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day was a...: Saturday was an amazing day. All across the country, families were shooting together, having fun and learning safe gun handling. Some were ...

Little late posting this but glad to see that it  was a success

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Journey for a Master's: Early Childhood Studies: This is a picture from January in Fl or graduation...

My Journey for a Master's: Early Childhood Studies: This is a picture from January in Fl or graduation...: This is a picture from January in Fl or graduation with my two grand daughters-Isabella (in white) and Marysol in blue.

This is from when my mom got her BS, now i have to finish up mine lol.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Female and Armed: I've been tagged, again! Thank you!!!

Female and Armed: I've been tagged, again! Thank you!!!: The meaning of the German word, “liebster,” is ”beloved person, liked very much, preferred above others, liked or loved above others.”...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


If i get off my tush and make an e-store for this site what kind of products would ya'll actually be interested in seeing there for purchase? They would be items from amazon such as what is in the widget on the right hand side of this page.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Musings Over a Pint: Who Would You Trust?

Musings Over a Pint: Who Would You Trust?: If you've been following the news recently, you know there's been a spate of traveler arrests in New Bloomberg, er, New York, for gun posses...

good read, don't forget to check out the included links

Putting Football Rivalries Aside, Mayors Unite Against Illegal Guns

can you believe this this guy?

how exactly is it that NYC (and by extension the gun control measures he wants nationwide) could be construed as anything other than a violation of the second amendment?

Barrel Smoke: Cool gun songs

Barrel Smoke: Cool gun songs: If you haven't heard of FXHummel1 , he covers songs and re-writes lyrics that are pretty incredible.  Sometimes they are funny, sometimes th...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Art of the Rifle: Why the Rifle?

Art of the Rifle: Why the Rifle?: Isn't Our Society Past That Stuff? So here we have a blog full of stuff about shooting a rifle. Just why is that? Aren't there bette...

probably the best explanation i've ever read as to why to shoot a rifle and what it means in the context of the 2nd amendment

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Defensive Tactics Instructor Certification Course

Defensive Tactics Instructor Certification Course

Event Detail
 2012 Courses
 3 days
 04/18/2012 - 04/20/2012
 Springfield, Missouri

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Barrel Smoke: Analysis of a Bus Shooting

Barrel Smoke: Analysis of a Bus Shooting: For the last couple of days, I've been mulling over the bus shooting in Philadelphia . This thing was bone-headed on so many levels that it...

several very good points raised

Gun Videos (playlist)


i'll be updating this as i find good video's

atm there is a good video on what and what not do in the aftermath of a shooting in the playlist

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

God, Gals, Guns, Grub: Five-Bucks: Balloon Dueling Tree.

God, Gals, Guns, Grub: Five-Bucks: Balloon Dueling Tree.: Keeping kids (and adults) entertained on the shooting range at 4H Shooting Sports can be a challenge, especially after a couple of seasons o...

this an awesome idea for those of us who shoot outdoors

The Miller: 2nd Annual NRA HQ Blog Shoot

The Miller: 2nd Annual NRA HQ Blog Shoot: Planning has begun for the second annual NRA HQ Blogshoot! Once again will meet there on a Saturday morning, shoot for an hour and then...

even though my gp100 is in hock atm i might have to come to this ... i'll just borrow my wifes m9 8D

Monday, January 23, 2012

Female and Armed: Shopping for a gun - the Goldilocks Approach

Female and Armed: Shopping for a gun - the Goldilocks Approach: When shopping for a gun, you need to use the Goldilocks approach. This one is too big, this one is too small…until…ahh, this one is JUST RI...

good post for both men AND women new to shooting

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

That Texas Lady: Open Letter To My Friend, The Victim

That Texas Lady: Open Letter To My Friend, The Victim: Any of us can be a victim. Many of us has been a victim. A victim of what? Anything. Recently, I received an email from a woman who had a g...

More than worth a read.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

They may be knuckleheads but they actually have a point.

  First off if you haven't already check out this post by the gun control loons, http://csgv2.blogspot.com/2012/01/pro-gun-activists-find-humor-in.html. I know plenty of you are going to disagree with me on this but the reality is that no matter how ineffective these "vigils" are from a crime stopping or self defense perspective, and lets face it a candle won't stop or even slow down a criminal intent on breaking the law, they are good for one thing. Many, maybe even most, people seem to think with their hearts rather than with logic so tell me how those of us who support expanded gun rights gain anything or sway any opinions in our favor by criticizing the brady bunch and their kind for choosing to hold gatherings like this?
  Not only do we do our cause no good by criticizing such events but it is quite likely that our more moderate supporters may in fact be turned off on the gun rights community by such actions. In addition to this, there are many victims, regardless of how they became victims or how they feel about gun rights, who would and do take comfort in these public display's of sympathy regardless of why the Brady's organized it. For some public gatherings like these are how they prefer to express sympathy and/or solidarity with the victims. Many gun owners have chosen instead to donate to Officer Crouse's Memorial fund to help his family. Neither method is inherently wrong regardless of the motivations, what matters in this instance is that we not loose supporters by being jerks and that we at the very least respect his family's loss and help how we can. Some relevant links will be posted at the bottom of this post.


http://www.roanoke.com/news/roanoke/wb/302238 - an article with a little info on Crouse and his life


http://fredtalk.fredericksburg.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=1667805&an=&page=0&vc=1 - Information on the memorial fund

More information on the fund